Flashing neon signs from the Japanese game swells strong pop music, the sky is barely discernible among the skyscrapers - which is now in central Tokyo, it is difficult to imagine that here in 550 years only a few houses and a castle current. Edo, the city was then known, first appeared in history books for the first time in the 12th Century. At the time, where a man near the mouth of two rivers and Hirakawa Sumida a fortified house. He named the place and his family Edo ( "estuary"). As a basic foundation of the modern metropolis, however 1457th This year the Prince of Ota Dokan built a castle on the site where today stands the Imperial Palace.

In the 19th century fought the troops of the emperor and the shogun of dominant position in Japan. The Shogun was a leader of the warrior caste of the samurai, which officially belong to the emperor. Over time, more and more power and was the head of state. When the troops of Emperor 1868 won, leaving the last shogun in Edo and the castle of the Emperor Meiji moved in. As of now, it's called Tokyo Edo, or "Eastern Capital" (Kyoto means "capital" ) officially dissolved and Kyoto as the capital of Japan. However, Kyoto has also previously lost to political power and was only formally capital.
In the Meiji era, Tokyo opened the achievements of the West: the buses and trams have been subsequently used horses, houses were built of stone and Western fashion was considered chic.Mega City
In 2008, pushing the 35 million people in the Greater Tokyo, about twelve million of them in the real city. This means that one fourth of Japan's population to just under four per cent of the land alive. For the tourist experience is if during peak hours from the metro station. Because 800,000 companies in Tokyo, many people have to be incredible to work in the morning and return at night. In the scrum, not all men have their hands under control, always complains about women in the subway begrapscht. Therefore, the management by pink flowers marked car, in the heyday of the women can only be used.

Another danger lurking under the earth: As Japan under different plates meet, earthquakes shake again, the Tokyo area - but these are generally smaller, with no major damage. Since the Kanto earthquake in 1923 no major earthquake in Tokyo, where, and these are usually at a rate of 60 years are produced, many of Tokyo, but in the near future with another disaster. Instructions for correct behavior when an earthquake in any lack of housing and non-Japan guide.
1 Comment:
it's seem to be nice to live in tokio ;-)
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