This approaches the exception of its first player unstoppable million. According to business magazine Forbes, the 32 years of age and professionally since 1996, marking the year 2010. 2009 Tiger Woods perhaps first serious competitive threat. Britain's Lewis Hamilton, McLaren-Mercedes in the first dark-skinned, while the recent world champion Formula 1 of all time, will be important in future years the income of up to 100 million euros forecast. For comparison: The seven-champion Michael Schumacher had taken at its best "only" in an annual income of up to 65 million euros placed, but still the number two, as follows behind Tiger Woods Phil Mickelson, another golfer with an annual income of 49.5 million euros. Only after the U. S. Masters twice national champion of the English soccer player David Beckham third. "Becks", equipped with a 250 million U.S. dollars major five-year contract with Los Angeles Galaxy, is worthy of the best footballers of all time, a total of around 47.5 million euros.
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