The oldest man in the world was formerly locally French, Jeanne. She died in 1997 and lived for 122 years, five months and 14 days, is the official record holder, was born in 1875 is officially documented.
She had an older brother, François (1865-1962), who died in 97 years. It is assumed that with 14 years , the painter Vincent van Gogh met her. Jeanne married on 8 April 1896 of second-degree cousin, Fernand Nicolas locally, a rich landlord. She returned in the pleasant position that we never have to work hard, but a peaceful life and hobbies such as tennis, cycling, swimming, skating, playing the piano, and to keep the opera.
Later, her life almost tragic train: Her husband died in 1942 in a food poisoning. Yvonne Calments her daughter, died with 36 years as a result of pneumonia. Accordingly, she went to her grandson Frédéric general, was the doctor, Also her grandchildren, died 1963 . It was in a motorcycle fatally injured accident.

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