Friday, June 26, 2009

The Biggest Organism in the world : Blue Whale

Many of the biggest animals on earth live in the ocean, the exact identification difficult. Some, like the colossal squid have never been seen in adult form, giving rise to a debate on how to get really big. Fortunately, a variety of terrestrial animals are also very large, and are much easier to measure. However, it is important to remember that the biggest animals on earth are overshadowed size of some agencies, such as honey, mushrooms, soil areas measured in miles, with its mycelium, and the General Sherman Tree, a giant sequoia in California , estimated to weigh nearly 10 times more than a blue whale.

The most widely accepted animal on Earth in terms of size and volume is the blue whale. The largest blue whale ever weighed was 210-tons of female. Blue whales migrate to the oceans of the world, and are considered highly endangered, despite the efforts of biologists to save it. The exact number of blue whales on Earth is not known but it is estimated that five of the 12 o'clock, thousands of people. May blue whales, among the largest animals to ever exist on Earth because they are bigger than the dinosaurs were.

Among the largest animals on earth are a number of sea creatures are like the Lions Mane Jelly that actually grow for more than a blue whale. Man O'War also can be extremely long, but because it is a collection of organisms, rather than an individual, it is usually not counted in the list of the largest animals on earth. Japanese spider crab is also quite large. Given the large part of the ocean remains unexplored, it is possible that there are bigger bodies that lurk in the depths of the ocean.

The ocean is not the only place where large creatures. In the countryside, many of the largest animals on earth are in Africa. Bush Elephants are the largest land mammals go, and hippos are closely on the heels. Saltwater crocodiles are the largest reptiles on earth, and the Chinese giant salamander is the title of the largest amphibians. Birds are represented by the ostrich and the Goliath beetle is the largest of insects.

As you can see some of the animals that are considered the largest animal on Earth are also in danger. Many large animals take some time to mature, so they are vulnerable to predators when young. Many large animals, unfortunately, also the body, which is valuable for the people, such as ivory. Many of the largest animals on earth were indiscriminately hunted by humans, causing serious problems for its population, which are also reproduced more slowly than small animals.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Coast Redwood : The World's Tallest Tree

Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) is the tallest tree in the world. At the last measurement in 2004 led him to the giant (Sequoia sempervirens) at 115.24 meters - and still growing in the sky over California.

California, scientists have made a careful selection, the giant Redwood National Park in the north of the state, three new trees discovered the extent of the possible extent overcome. With a height of 378.1 meters, or 115.24 meters, is the giant tree, the largest object known to inhabit this planet.

The trees are just one part of the national parks accessible.

The former world record holder attaches "only" 112.7 meters.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

World's Richest Sportsman 2009

Eldrick Tont "Tiger" Woods, has won 14 major golf championships and 65 PGA tour events. Ranked as the number 1 golfer in the world, Woods is thought by many to be greatest player of all time, the golf superstar in 2009, the list of top salaries in the sport with a wide lead. Collect U.S. around 250,000 euros per day and thus US$ 117.3 million a year.

This approaches the exception of its first player unstoppable million. According to business magazine Forbes, the 32 years of age and professionally since 1996, marking the year 2010. 2009 Tiger Woods perhaps first serious competitive threat. Britain's Lewis Hamilton, McLaren-Mercedes in the first dark-skinned, while the recent world champion Formula 1 of all time, will be important in future years the income of up to 100 million euros forecast. For comparison: The seven-champion Michael Schumacher had taken at its best "only" in an annual income of up to 65 million euros placed, but still the number two, as follows behind Tiger Woods Phil Mickelson, another golfer with an annual income of 49.5 million euros. Only after the U. S. Masters twice national champion of the English soccer player David Beckham third. "Becks", equipped with a 250 million U.S. dollars major five-year contract with Los Angeles Galaxy, is worthy of the best footballers of all time, a total of around 47.5 million euros.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The world's largest diamond

Spectacular Diamond size are rarely discovered. Oil stones, with several hundred carats are usually after the cut and ground. Some diamonds are with a record weight. Ernest Blom, president of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses has now withdrawn fully from the verification process of the stone. Blom's requirement of witnessing the stone has not been met. Weighing 8,000-carat, this diamond dugged by the South Africa’s north-west province was considered to be more than twice the size of the world’s largest diamond of 3,000-carat discovered in 1905.

The "Cullinan" diamond found in South Africa in 1905. The stone has a weight of 3106.7 carats (one carat is 0.2 grams) and was later divided into several parts. The drift, inter alia, Diamond "Star of Africa", with 530 carats is one of the jewels of the British crown.

The "Star of Sierra Leone" was 1972 in the West African country excavated. The diamond with a gross weight of 969 carats, was divided into 17 stones.

Around 1650 he discovered the "great Mogul" was named after the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan appointed, the builder of the Taj Mahal in Agra India. The rough diamond was 793 carats and is considered missing since 1739.

South Africa the "Golden Jubilee" in 1985, was 755 carats, fetched the ground. After the conversion remained 545 carats. Thus, he is considered the largest polished diamond in the world.

The "Centenary" in a diamond mine in South Africa in 1986 Erzgestein weighs 599 carats. 273 carat polished yet hard, rock, according to the De Beers Group for more than $ 100 million U. S. insured.

When weighing 190 carats "Orloff" is in India, is unknown. It adorns the scepter of the Russian Tsars, and is now in the Kremlin in Moscow to admire.

The Koh-i-Noor (Mountain of Light) is about the year 1100 in India had been discovered. 1306 was the 105.6-nent rock first time in a Hindu text. Today was priceless diamond 1849 the then British colony of Queen Victoria of England and is now kept in the Tower of London.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Shaanxi (China) January 23 : The Deadliest earthquake

Earthquakes are usually measured with the so-called Richter scale. You can be the force of earthquakes and describe on a scale from 0.1 to 10 This means that with a force 7 earthquake is ten times stronger than an earthquake of 6 to 100 times stronger than an earthquake of intensity 5. The most powerful earthquakes ever recorded earthquake was only 9.5 in Richter scale that was in May 22 1960 Chili, called Valdivia Earthqua, but the deadliest earthquake was in January 23 1556 in Shaanxi (China).

The 1556 Shaanxi earthquake or Jiajing earthquake in China, where about 830 000 people were killed, was the deadliest and worst earthquake in human history. It occurred on the morning of January 23 1556 in Shaanxi, China. More than 97 counties in the provinces of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Gansu, Hebei, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu and Anhui were affected. The earth sound was like the rumbling of thunders. The plateau and the plain all had cracks. The directions of the roads were even changed. Trees fell upside down and the mountains were rocked in the bottom part.

The hills and valleys had a lot of changes. Those rising became hills and those lowered down, became deep valleys. Within an area of 1000 kilometers, not many people survived. Fires were on for several days and the people lived in the open air. Many robberies and lootings happened. Numerous people died of the earthquake, the fire, the flood and robberies.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The largest waterfalls in the world - the natural wonder of Iguassu

At the border of Argentina and Brazil, are like a jewel embedded in a 12 rain were similar: the Falls of Iguazú. They are the largest in the world, wider than Victoria Falls and taller than the famous Niagara Falls. About about 2700 meters wide and the water fall with deafening noise of up to 80 meters deep. Fine rises above the fog thundering spectacle, dazzling sunlight and the rainbow appears in the scene unreal light.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Mike Mangini : WFD (World's Fastest Drummer). 1203 hand strokes in one minute

Mike Mangini (Steve Vai, Extreme) Was the 1st man in history to play over 1,200 Single Strokes in 60 Seconds. At the 2005 Winter NAMM World's Fastest Drummer Finals, Mike Mangini accomplished 1,203 strokes in 60 seconds (matched grip) to set the new world record. Mike now holds the world records for Matched Grip, Traditional Grip (1126 singles Strokes in 60 Seconds), and Bare Hands (no sticks) proving he truly has the World's Fastest Hands™.

Mike Mangini is an American drummer who was born in 1963 in the town of Newton, Massachusetts. He is best known for his work with the band Extreme and Steve Vai. He is a highly skilled musician who began drumming at the age of five and practiced between five and ten hours a day in order to become the skilled drummer he became in adulthood.

Unlike other musicians however, Mike was hardly obsessed with his music, though he did go after his practice with the determination he would show in other fields of his life. He graduated high school and went on to college to pursue a computer studies degree which he would use to study the links between the human brain and the human body while at the same time designing software for Patriot Missile program.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The most influential minds in the Internet economy

Every year again vote "Business Week editors and their readers about who is most influential in the minds of the Internet economy. Among the 25 there are many old friends, but also new faces.

After all, with four women significantly determine how the Internet economy is changing. In the ranking of the 25 most influential personalities in the Web world, the U.S. business magazine "Business Week" has been published, see Mitchell Baker of, Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post, "Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg and Mary Thomas Another method to determine the economic activity of man on the web . Who exactly what you see in the gallery.

The world of the Internet for business best business idea of the 2008th participate and vote between / company idee. But time is short: the winner is already on 21 October at the World Congress on Internet announced in Munich.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Switzerland : The Ritchest Country in the world (2009)

Swiss are the richest, according to World Bank

The World Bank is using a new measure of national wealth to a familiar conclusion: the countries of Western Europe, USA and Japan are the richest.

"[sda] - Switzerland has a per capita wealth of the converts
527 000 Euros (approximately 814 500 Swiss francs) the richest, with Ethiopia Euro 1600 is the poorest country in the world. "

The World Bank, for example, the value of fish stocks, forests, minerals and energy resources, will be charged. Indexes in education, governance and quality of the authorities to take into account.

After Switzerland, according to the World Bank study, the richest countries of Denmark, Sweden, USA, Germany, Japan, Germany, Austria, Norway, France, Belgium and Luxembourg, the poorest in Nepal, Niger , Burundi and Ethiopia.

This cheese making country is considered to be one of the most neutral countries in the world. During World War 2, people from other European countries deposited their money in the banks of Switzerland, knowing that their money would be safer there than in their home countries. Some well known Swiss companies include Nestle, Logitech, Rolex and Credit Suisse.

Switzerland, has 374 billion GDP with a growth rate from 1.7%, 35'000.- per capita and an unemployment rate from 1.5%. Public dept 53.3% GDP and an inflation rate from 1.1% with total land 41'290 sq km and 7.4 million people.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The world's largest celebration - Mexico

Around the world celebrate major festivals, most of them have a centuries-old tradition. For example, the "Día de Muertos" (translated: Day of the Dead), one of Mexico's most important holiday, which is sad, but well. An overwhelming sense of festivals and rituals in different villages.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The longest Alpine roller coaster in the world

The motto of the Alpine Coaster in Imst is: Think big and fast! 3.5 miles long full of power and pleasure of making him the longest in the world alpine Russian. Even the entrance is spectacular. At 1500 meters above sea level Coaster is for pilots preparing for departure. One last look at the sub-Alm, the brake hinuntergedrückt something goes down - that is, equal to 500 vertical meters. Until the other hand, rapid pulse rate and good humor. A little surprising, at this distance, the railway runs at a maximum of six meters in height on the hill.

After a few meters, the first surprise. The curve fast breathless surprise passenger. A curve of 90 degrees to the other takes the sled. 70 of these points becomes, the Alpine Coaster ready. But it is still fun. Especially the "jumps" have much to offer - a gap of one to six meters in height. Sprinkle Drube for the Russian goes through the waves, the feeling is like a trip by boat. After the first moments of the 12 minutes will be clear - the Alpine Coaster is the perfect entertainment giant, no matter if it's 6 or 66. Panorama has a lot to offer. Nature and form of action-spectacle along the Alps Russian Imster a great combination.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Longest suspension bridge in the world: Su tong

The Sutong bridge over the Yang tze kiang (also known as Yangtze) has so many superlatives, here only some key data that is called because of its space is considered to be the longest cable in the world. Provides a passage of 62 m and is flanked by giant pylons. Together with the up and down during the more than 140 pillars of support and feed armors created to bridge the 8206 m Yang tze kiang here, depending on the season in some places up to 14 km wide may swell. And in order to anticipate it: the demand for concrete pumps concrete built here until its limit!
Before delivery of the high pressure pump concrete BSA 14000 HP-D Putzmeister had promised that the machine at 310 m by a pump head of 125 mm from other 30 m³ / h promotes. BSA were specific for pressures up to 260 bar. As in the 150 meters in the concrete pumping a disproportionate increase in hydraulic pressure was observed, switched parties in the Putzmeister AG, customer service and technical management in the project. After a slight change in the formulation of concrete, reinforcement of some very aggressive pumping of concrete and the use of components of carbide wear parts of the younger generation was able to promote high concrete continue.
The total cost of the Sutong bridge project is estimated at about 6.45 million yuan (about 726 million U.S. dollars), respectively. Work began in June 2003, completion is scheduled for 2009.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Most Deadly Airplane Crash

Due to poor visibility conditions (fog incident), poor communication facilities and technical and human problems involved in the machinery and air traffic crashed the start of a KLM Boeing 747 and a roll off the track as the Boeing Pan Am 747 in this largest ever air disaster of civil aviation were 583 people killed. From the air accident investigation reports show that none of the leaders in the tower and in two machines, one clear culprit of the disaster was assigned. All sides have committed grave errors. The Spanish American and the investigation report was the main culprit, however, in the KLM, the Dutch research report no major culprits identified. Taking into account all the negative contingencies (fog, unusually high density of traffic at the airport of Los Rodeos, since the crash of two machines, and many others because of a bomb threat at the airport in Gran Canaria, had to be diverted, and the lack of communication), as a result of collisions on both machines is probably the most prominent: the Tower, the Pan-machine at the exit 3 of the runway to take. The machine, however, would be technically not been able to take the exit. The air had only experience with much smaller machines, which are usually used the airport of departure and this happens easily. Bread Machine overlooked because of the fog this exit and so the tower can not draw that could not pass the exit.

KLM machine was finally under high time pressure, is ready and could start because of the fog machine is not PanAm. KLM and the machine to start the release of a bat, which came on the radio to the effect of overlap, since the tower and refused to release the bread machine at the same time cautioned that are still located in the track. KLM said the captain, however, the release and have accelerated boot your machine. When the two machines had eye contact, tried to evade the Pan Am crew, while the pilots tried KLM machine, his plane hochzuziehen. The evasive maneuver when the aircraft crash killed 335 people aboard the Pan-machine (61 survivors) and 248 all KLM passengers and crew members, including the chief pilot of the KLM flight captain Jaap Van Zanten . Both machines burned completely.

When firefighters arrived and heavy fog had not yet started, only to eliminate machine-KLM Pan Am had not noticed. In addition, the tower did not know (no ground radar), the machine with another conflict. Thus, the Pan-machine later, when the survivors had to fight the fire. It is the heaviest to date aviation accident in the history of civil aviation.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Tokyo: The Biggest City in The World

Already in the 18th century accounted for more than a million residents of Tokyo, the largest city in the world, now living in the metropolitan area a quarter of the Japanese population. Overcrowded subway trains, continuous noise and flashing neon ge are here every day. It is also the fear of the next major earthquake disaster.

Flashing neon signs from the Japanese game swells strong pop music, the sky is barely discernible among the skyscrapers - which is now in central Tokyo, it is difficult to imagine that here in 550 years only a few houses and a castle current. Edo, the city was then known, first appeared in history books for the first time in the 12th Century. At the time, where a man near the mouth of two rivers and Hirakawa Sumida a fortified house. He named the place and his family Edo ( "estuary"). As a basic foundation of the modern metropolis, however 1457th This year the Prince of Ota Dokan built a castle on the site where today stands the Imperial Palace.

Almost 300 years later, from the small village of the largest city in the world: even in the middle of the 18th Century there were more than a million residents in Edo. The reasons for the rapid growth of the city is its location: the bay of Edo, which offers more protection than a harbor into the open sea. The place is too far from the Asian continent, and can not be removed as quickly as possible invaders, the Mongols achieved. It also cut the roads to the east and north through the mountains of the current region of Tama in Edo. These advantages of the recognized leaders of the Samurai, Shogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the end of the 16th century and moved the seat of government from Kyoto to Edo. Then came the heyday of modern Tokyo, but in the course of history has been repeatedly destroyed by fire.

In the 19th century fought the troops of the emperor and the shogun of dominant position in Japan. The Shogun was a leader of the warrior caste of the samurai, which officially belong to the emperor. Over time, more and more power and was the head of state. When the troops of Emperor 1868 won, leaving the last shogun in Edo and the castle of the Emperor Meiji moved in. As of now, it's called Tokyo Edo, or "Eastern Capital" (Kyoto means "capital" ) officially dissolved and Kyoto as the capital of Japan. However, Kyoto has also previously lost to political power and was only formally capital.

In the Meiji era, Tokyo opened the achievements of the West: the buses and trams have been subsequently used horses, houses were built of stone and Western fashion was considered chic.Mega City

In 2008, pushing the 35 million people in the Greater Tokyo, about twelve million of them in the real city. This means that one fourth of Japan's population to just under four per cent of the land alive. For the tourist experience is if during peak hours from the metro station. Because 800,000 companies in Tokyo, many people have to be incredible to work in the morning and return at night. In the scrum, not all men have their hands under control, always complains about women in the subway begrapscht. Therefore, the management by pink flowers marked car, in the heyday of the women can only be used.

Another danger lurking under the earth: As Japan under different plates meet, earthquakes shake again, the Tokyo area - but these are generally smaller, with no major damage. Since the Kanto earthquake in 1923 no major earthquake in Tokyo, where, and these are usually at a rate of 60 years are produced, many of Tokyo, but in the near future with another disaster. Instructions for correct behavior when an earthquake in any lack of housing and non-Japan guide.

Monday, June 01, 2009