The most widely accepted animal on Earth in terms of size and volume is the blue whale. The largest blue whale ever weighed was 210-tons of female. Blue whales migrate to the oceans of the world, and are considered highly endangered, despite the efforts of biologists to save it. The exact number of blue whales on Earth is not known but it is estimated that five of the 12 o'clock, thousands of people. May blue whales, among the largest animals to ever exist on Earth because they are bigger than the dinosaurs were.
Among the largest animals on earth are a number of sea creatures are like the Lions Mane Jelly that actually grow for more than a blue whale. Man O'War also can be extremely long, but because it is a collection of organisms, rather than an individual, it is usually not counted in the list of the largest animals on earth. Japanese spider crab is also quite large. Given the large part of the ocean remains unexplored, it is possible that there are bigger bodies that lurk in the depths of the ocean.
The ocean is not the only place where large creatures. In the countryside, many of the largest animals on earth are in Africa. Bush Elephants are the largest land mammals go, and hippos are closely on the heels. Saltwater crocodiles are the largest reptiles on earth, and the Chinese giant salamander is the title of the largest amphibians. Birds are represented by the ostrich and the Goliath beetle is the largest of insects.
As you can see some of the animals that are considered the largest animal on Earth are also in danger. Many large animals take some time to mature, so they are vulnerable to predators when young. Many large animals, unfortunately, also the body, which is valuable for the people, such as ivory. Many of the largest animals on earth were indiscriminately hunted by humans, causing serious problems for its population, which are also reproduced more slowly than small animals.